AI Accelerated Engineering

8-week experiential developer bootcamp

This specialized program is designed to empower your development teams with the skills to integrate generative AI tools and workflows, driving unprecedented gains in productivity, quality, and speed while maintaining focus on the business.​

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Embrace the cutting-edge of software development

Bring up to 35 team members into our custom-tailored program.

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Hands-on expertise

Gain practical experience with generative AI technologies in the context of real-world use cases.​

Accelerate productivity

Learn to enhance your development processes for faster delivery.

Quality improvement

Implement AI tools to improve the quality of software solutions.​

Catalyze your culture

Invest in your team’s potential through learning and innovation.​

Real-world orientation

This learning program is focused around real ideas and working concepts. Each person will have completed a working capstone POC, directly applicable to your business.​


Leverage our unique insights and methodologies to stay ahead in a fast-evolving landscape.​

Curriculum overview

Week 1: Generative AI cannonball!

Jumpstart your generative AI journey with a guided activity on prompt engineering, including hands-on experience with OpenAI Playground, setting up an OpenAI key, and an introduction to embeddings and Whisper.​

Week 2: Introduction to GenAI

This foundational course covers the basics of generative AI, types of models and transformers, embeddings, and building a simple Q/A bot. Includes essential readings and workshop activities.​

Week 3: Prompt engineering deep-dive

Learn the art of crafting effective prompts to drive better AI responses, including clarity in task definition, techniques for prompt optimization, and context provision.​

Week 4: Model fine-tuning

Master the skills of adjusting pre-trained models to suit specific tasks with detailed instructions on transfer learning and fine-tuning techniques.​

Week 5: Understanding and using embeds

Explore the concept of embeddings, their applications, visualization, manipulation, and troubleshooting with practical mini-labs.​

Week 6: Introduction to ​chains and agents​

Discover the principles of chains and agents in generative AI, followed by a self-guided hands-on session.​

Week 7 + 8: Capstone challenge project

Creating a capstone project allows participants to apply learned skills in a real-world scenario, emphasizing prompt design, model selection and fine-tuning, integration into applications, and documentation of the development process.​

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