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The healthcare industry was disrupted by the pandemic, driving new paradigms in integrated, patient-centric innovation. We see several key trends across healthcare providers, payers, consumer health, health tech, and healthcare associations.

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Embrace digital health innovation

Healthcare organizations are targeting three key areas: the possibilities of generative AI and deep learning, POC testing, and simplifying digital health ecosystems and experiences.

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Invest in long-term systems resilience

Healthcare leaders shoulder the burden of ensuring the strength of our systems as we encounter challenges such as climate change, workforce shortages, global volatility, and cyber threats.

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Realize value from data and AI

The push is on for more holistic care for patients. GenAI offers boundless opportunities—from improving care delivery and navigation to increasing productivity to industry disruption.

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Empower healthcare workers

Organizations are heavily focused on improving worker operating conditions through technology, enhancing patient outcomes, and reducing administrative challenges through the digital experience.

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Withstand economic pressure and material inflation

COVID-19 has had profound impacts across healthcare, forcing paradigm shifts in care. Today, companies are looking at innovative delivery methods, cutting-edge technology, new payment methods, and workforce retention models.

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Combat rising diseases of despair

The pandemic exacerbated substance use, depression, anxiety, suicidal behavior, and economic pressures. AI, telehealth, online counseling, and mobile health interventions are vital in extending equitable care for all.

2024 Slalom industry outlook: Healthcare

Tomorrow’s healthcare technology landscape




New customers in 2 years

The Wellfit platform for dental operations and payments is deployed in over 900 practices.



Increase in requests

Requests for appointments at UCLA Health shot up after the launch of its new website.



Faster feature releases

Web product features are now released in half the time at CHG Health.


AI in healthcare: How Intelligent Products increase accessibility and equity

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation are helping provide more accessible, equitable healthcare to more patients.

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